Volleyball Drop In

Friday night Drop in is year round.**

**Drop in is currently canceled due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Please stay home and stay healthy, as requested.   

Starts at 7:00 pm and finishes at 9:30pm on Friday. Many times we have all 6 courts filled.  Cost is $4.00 per person.  We try to only allow 7 players per team or 14 players per court.  It is Coed Drop In play, so we ask that organized teams do not play together.  
Please keep the SPIRIT of this intact.

This is an adult drop-in with various levels of play, from competitive to rec.  Players under age 18 may attend but should have a minimum of varsity level playing experience.

  Please bring your own balls for warm-up & play.
The Courts is not responsible for lost or stolen items that are left or taken. The Courts has a lost and found but due to the volume we will only hold lost items for 7 days. After 7 days items are taken to a shelter or non profit group.
Drop-in Play
When you want to play pick up games... 
...and don't have time for a league